Walking Death
Walking Death
Ba�em si�, �e po mocnym 15 odcinku przyjdzie fina�owa smuta. Troch� si� te obawy spe�ni�y, ale fina�owi by�o daleko od zamulania. Nawet je�li nie przyni�s� spektakularnych twist�w.
Znowu brawa za klimat. Podr�� w czasie zimy to w tym serialu co� nowego. I jak to �wietnie dawa�o si� ogl�da�. A� dziwne, �e przez tyle lat tw�rcy nie wpadli na pomys�, aby tworzy� zimowe odcinki. Kolejny plusik - Negan. Ba�em si� jego przemiany i upupienia. Ale znowu: jest ona prowadzona tak dobrze, �e nie czuj� tu fa�szu. Duet Negan i Myszona - dawa� ich! Do tego Judith, kt�rej relacja z Neganem te� jest fantastyczna (z Myszon� r�wnie�).
Reasumuj�c, tak dobrego sezonu w historii tego serialu nie by�o od dawna. To mo�e najlepszy taki sezon w jego historii. Oby nie by� to "wypadek przy pracy". Chc� wi�cej. Zw�aszcza rozwoju �wiata.
The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it
Walking Death
I got lost there already on the fourth;) Dam cancel, it's a pity to continue boredom
We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours.
- Posts: 132
- Joined: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:23 pm
Walking Death
I read reviews of subsequent episodes and it seems that since I stopped watching this series, its level is increasing.
Sell your soul
Walking Death
The tier has increased since the 9th of this episode, in the previous half-season it was a game to mislead your opponent. There have been no such emotions since smashing heads by knowing who.
Death is lighter than a feather. Duty, heavier than a mountain.
- Posts: 134
- Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:23 am
Walking Death
I went back to that show, that is, to the final, eleventh season. However, I also have to come back to the final episode of the tenth, because it was devoted to Negan's story. After three episodes of 11 you can see that this character has developed very interesting and possibly more interesting than angry Negan. The more I'm curious where the evil Negan came from. Because I don't want to catch up with the transformation from season 10. I know roughly what happened. At 11, for the time being, it brings the thread of Alexandria. But the other two are very interesting. The first, dark one, is a journey by Maggie, Daryl, Negan and the rest. The second is the theme of Eugeniusz, Ezekiel and Lasek From the Previous and Ninth Season. That is the Community. This is what I missed in this series. Exploration. In addition, they found the Community, which stands at a higher level of organization and is probably larger and more extensive. It would be nice to see if and how humanity recovered from the zombie crash. Because so far the heroes only came across the next Z�oli, which was a bit boring. This season, there are also new Saviors. So far they have not impressed me at all. After Alfie and her Whisperers team, I probably won't be surprised by anything, but I'm not crossing the Saviors. It's nice that Maggie came back last season. Her relationship with Negan, although it probably goes in the obvious direction, is the most interesting one on the show right now. And I like Lauren Cohan.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Walking Death
Once upon a time I watched one episode and didn't understand anything. I have a question for experts on the subject: do zombies give birth to children?
Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it
Walking Death
Don't make scenes, just watch the last episode of series 10, it's amazing.
Mortals cannot perceive me with the physical eye whilst in my pure form unless it is of my choosing, for it would result in fatality, which begs the question of why you are an exception.
Walking Death
In 11x02, Maggie mentioned some degenerates she met who, as far as I understood, had sex with a zombie and produced some monster creatures that way.
One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.
Walking Death
And zombies do something specific at all, or just shuffle around and do their own thing: yyyyyyy?
The sun does not abandon the moon to darkness.
Walking Death
Just don't spoil it, because I'm not going to watch until today.
And the return of the season is not in February? IMDb lists February 20, 2022 as the episode date 11x9. A little over four months so always easier.
Overall, I am surprised by the high quality of this season. The fact that I skipped season 10. Only Alexandria threads tire.
There was only gold, and power, and the bodies of women, and steel.