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Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:52 am
by Brerg
The topic is rather for Game Masters. Where do you get ideas for sessions from? What is your inspiration? Do you try to reproduce scenes seen in books, movies, games? Maybe you are just inspired by them? Or maybe something else? Maybe it's music? Or maybe it is your dreams or situations in your life that are driving you to create a campaign for players?

Tell me about it.

In my case it is often music. Listening to soundtracks, he often tries to imagine the story behind them. I think where they would fit and create some scenes based on that. The scenes create new ideas, which I then try to combine into entire campaigns.

Of course, movies and games are another inspiration. Sometimes I copy some solutions from there that seem interesting to me to use in the session.

Sometimes the sessions in which I participated are also inspiration: D.

How about you?

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 7:02 am
by Triss Merigold

So you're asking where do I get ideas for the sessions?


I do not have. (That explains a lot about the Village.)

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 7:27 am
by Poison Ivy

For me (although not strictly such sessions, because I do not run any, but I have a world created for the needs of stories or creating a computer game) it is mainly just my imagination. Sometimes there are some traces from a game or movie that catch my eye, but these are usually just details that can be easily removed in case of need.
For example, suits a'la Dead Space, or a pulse rifle like in Alien 2 ... (although this one has already undergone such an evolution that only some details still have in common with the prototype), although I will also mention here that the borrowings only cover the "aspect visual". Their functionality is one hundred percent my invention.

Music - also often. But in this case, they are more individual scenes than some coherent world
For example, a sword duel, to or whole video clips. Most of the time I just do them (which can be checked on draconis if you want), I haven't done a few (like the clip from Sword of the stars, under Manowar's "Power of thy sword" or "Mechwarrior 4: Vengeance" with "Die with honor "of the same band)
Well, well ... It happens.

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 8:26 am
by Kaikki

Oh how nice! You have created a topic that I am eager to read. :)

you broke me. I lie down and squeal. ;): P

on the draconis you say until I look. :)

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:25 am
by Takwir

you can always write something yourself;)

I create the most ideas myself, but very often I take the first idea, some point of reference for further inventing, from some book motifs, rarely film ones. In my opinion, books are an immeasurable database of themes for sessions (I have noticed cool recently in The Deluge), which should be used.

Often these are just the motives that appear in the session, for example, a year ago I ran a campaign, the culmination of which was to take place in the Drachenfels castle. The castle was described in the textbook for the 1st ed. WH, but I changed a lot of things, a part I picked up from the book The Wizard of Drachenfels, which works there and voila. I had the final. Now it was enough to do the overture and all the rest that would lead the players there.

On the other hand, I run the Eyes of the Overworld campaign. While the whole story, plot, etc. is mine, the Eyes themselves (as an object) are 80% inspired by the book The Dying Earth.

Also, usually the first point of reference is taken from somewhere, and I guess the rest for myself. But that's what I think someday to make an entire campaign based on a book / series, but I know that the characters here would be almost entirely predetermined, because they have to fit into the existing plot. And see what the players will do and at what point they will completely reflect the plot originally invented by the author.

If you can create sessions from music, I will write to you one day, because I dream of writing an opera, so you will be a great librettist

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:12 am
by Anansi

Okay, they joked, so now I'll seriously say:

I always try to:
1. First of all, to embed the action in the world presented in such a way as to use its characteristics and not to act in a "generic" scenery, but to show the specificity of the reality or even place it in some sense in the center of events (but without exaggeration - this is to be understandable for players who do not know the reality inside out)
2. Secondly, to put players in front of some moral dilemma - show the events from both sides and tell them to choose. In general, I love fairly hardcore dilemmas that come down to more than "kill Guy A or Guy B".

Besides, I like to have players research all kinds of phenomena, mainly because I don't usually use a specific mechanic that would make the linear combat based some kind of emotional element.

In any case, I would not say that I draw inspiration from something external - I base everything on my own inner thinking and generally adjust to needs.

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:43 pm
by Ciliren

2. Of course, moral dilemmas are always priceless. Sometimes it's hard to prepare them, but when they are, they are the best plot element and make the characters very dynamic. I also use it often, although it is not always possible to implement it as planned.

1. Well that's a fact, it's fun to show a little bit of the world. But when it comes to places, I often use exactly what I come up with, which is a non-existent village / city in the world. But of course, the rules of the world prevail in the city, so everything is done using what is characteristic of it.

And what age child? I first saw Star Wars when I was 16, so I wonder xD

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 2:14 pm
by Perv

I was not concerned with geography, but with various elements of reality such as politics, magic and so on and so on

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:43 pm
by Hawking

Play The Story is a fun tutorial. There is no chittery in it. once bought several books from that series and praised himself. I have never read myself, unfortunately.

As for the plot line, I ask the players first: what kind of atmosphere do you want to play? They tell me that, for example, Adventure or Intrigue. And I start to create. And the plot usually has one big goal that I break down into single sessions where I give players a smaller goal that they should achieve. I do not give them any paths, choices, nothing - they decide for themselves how to achieve a given goal or solve a problem.

Ideas for new adventures

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:39 pm
by Triss Merigold

I myself generally need a spark, which comes to me so rarely that I rarely take the lead (although I remember all the past ideas). : D The spark is the starting point, the situation, the catch to the plot. And then there is a complete improvisation based on the actions of the players, there is only the beginning written in the stone.

Honestly speaking, I used to wonder where it comes from and if I could do something to have such moments of inspiration more often. Unfortunately, due to my total lack of imagination, watching, reading or playing does not generate any associations with creativity. Nor looking at hooks others invented. As Pratchett wrote, ideas sometimes fly across half the universe to suddenly jump into your brain.