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Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:38 am
by Anansi

He is Alith Anar and he is a grim butcher, like in WFB. There are twins, there is Alarielle, there is Eltharion, and there is Imrik. Imrik gets a sun dragoon in the army, the Dragon Prince's banner and a fire mage, he starts in the saddle and with Star Lance - I walked a little around the Southlands and I didn't realize it, I had Imrik on a dragon, a mage on the other dragon and I could boldly say Fire, walk with me: badgrin: There is only one reason why this campaign is not completely derailed - we start out in such a mess that there is no one to trade with at all and the economy starts slowly; on the other hand, I did not even have time to blink the question, when the Caledor confederation entered me and I have a serious foothold in Ulthuan and an insight into world politics, not just chasing greenskins in the wastelands

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:22 am
by Poison Ivy

I'd be playing a big campaign at Hole Old World

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:23 am
by Hawking

does someone suggest any of the paid add-ons as "must have"?

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:51 am
by Onirke

Years later, I finally joined the dark elves in W2 and I can not get over the admiration that eared beasts have a distorted and bent o_O economy. And black arks are hard porn in Google. I swim with Lokhir's boys (and girls) in the seas and oceans and resources grow. There is power, there is fun.

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:21 am
by Murin

you say
during the night Tyrion had so pimped out Morathi that Malekith's head on the stool turned green with envy.
The reclamation regiments put the dirty elves to work.
Anyway ... I barely took my eyes off Alith Anara and he already swept Nyggaroth with "bonus". All that's left is to get the witchacha.

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:19 am
by Eredin

In most of my few campaigns - unless I play tall - Morathi gallops around Ulthuan as much as she wants / thinks.

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:21 am
by Takwir

btw. how is it actually?
As I remember from the times of WFB 3/4/5 ed. then Ulthuan was all H.E. and D.E. they were sitting in the USA. Now I'm playing a big campaign - and D.E. they sat in the very north of Ulthuan and +/- Texas and Florida. Alith Anar with his Shadows was on the Rust Belt up to the "lakes" and Wood Elves are in general - the steppes and the Iroquois state - and I remember that Ariel was sitting in the attic editions somewhere in the middle of the Empire.

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:07 am
by Alfa

I found something TW: WH2
on Friday I fired and started some battery and he got together.
I can not run any tool - it crashes immediately (with continuation of the battery)
I used (almost) all the tools proposed by Steam and Uj. I do not want to buy. and fire it up.
I deleted (from external drive) and tried to reinstall - Steam crashed the same error.
I connected another disk, installed it and at the very end the situation repeated itself.
I will add that WH1 starts on the same disk.

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:37 pm
by Kaikki

problem after Friday's launch-update of the game (steam) - an appmanifest_594570.acf error popped up
and won't boot / update (There was an error installing TW: WH2 (error writing to disk))

how I uninstalled the game and tried again is the same error.

Total War

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 1:11 pm
by Perv

They also write on the web that apparently there is a launcher on the game's website, maybe it will help you?