RPG Session
RPG Session
Drip, drip, drip ... it's raining everywhere, blowing everywhere. How cold, how wet ... The routes have got soaked and no longer tempting as they used to be. Drenched coats cling to the bodies, biting at the irritating cold that penetrates right down to the bones. Streams of rain lash across your faces like pointed whips, and each strike hurts the more you are chilled and soaked. The incessant murmur of streams of water flowing along the track, the incessant sound of drops hitting the ground. Pac! Pac! A sound that never stops, even at night. When it gets dark, you can't see the rain anymore, but you can still hear it ... Maybe that's when it's coldest, maybe that's when the traveler who finds the night on the road feels most fragile, lonely and helpless? Drip ... drip ... drip ... another drop soaks through the hood, runs down the forehead and stops at the very end of the nose ... Maybe it's Henna's nose, maybe Illaifena? What a difference, he no longer has the strength or desire to knock it down. There will be more drops, and then more ... Drip ... drip ... drip ... somewhere far away, maybe at the very end of the road, or maybe just beyond the nearest hill, there is an inn with a fire in it that warms the cold feet and joyful singing that warms the heart. Hot food and dark beer. There is also a blanket on which an exhausted traveler can fold his head. Ah, how nice it is to think about such things when for the third week you are wandering along a sloppy track, in mud and rain. And in gloomy silence.
And not so long ago in your eyes the world looked completely different! Your team travelled the roads, took on various jobs and tasks for which you received a solid payment. Killing a hippogriff in Occitania - 250 gold coins to be shared, payable immediately. Removal of the curse from a mill near Reims - 200 gold coins. Find letters compromising a respectable merchant from the Three Ports - 400. But money slips through your fingers faster than anyone thinks. Rooms in taverns, food and wine ... A happy life loves gold, but gold apparently does not love you ... A month or two, and it turned out that there was nothing left of the money earned. And again on the way, but this time it is harder to earn money, to order ...
No, this time you won't be working for anybody! Why should you do all the dirty work again and get some peanuts for it? No, this time you work only for yourself ...
One of you, Thorin, once read in ancestral books about an expedition that was organized to a certain temple near the village of Vinnitsa, a day's drive from the city of Vallo. The temple was conquered and destroyed, but the treasures hidden there remained intact. For many, many years, no one has ever ventured into that lonely area. So are the treasures still there? Where is this temple, and why was it destroyed then? These questions were not answered in the books, nor in any legend or story ... You have to answer them yourself ....
And here it is! After weeks of hiking, you have arrived in Vetteburg. It is an ordinary village like thousands throughout the Empire. The huts are built in a semicircle, and in the middle of the spacious courtyard there is a large inn building. You have rented one common room with the leftover money, a slightly humped innkeeper is bustling around you, ready at your every nod, and the table in front of you is set with all food and drink. Soon it will be night.
What are you doing?
And not so long ago in your eyes the world looked completely different! Your team travelled the roads, took on various jobs and tasks for which you received a solid payment. Killing a hippogriff in Occitania - 250 gold coins to be shared, payable immediately. Removal of the curse from a mill near Reims - 200 gold coins. Find letters compromising a respectable merchant from the Three Ports - 400. But money slips through your fingers faster than anyone thinks. Rooms in taverns, food and wine ... A happy life loves gold, but gold apparently does not love you ... A month or two, and it turned out that there was nothing left of the money earned. And again on the way, but this time it is harder to earn money, to order ...
No, this time you won't be working for anybody! Why should you do all the dirty work again and get some peanuts for it? No, this time you work only for yourself ...
One of you, Thorin, once read in ancestral books about an expedition that was organized to a certain temple near the village of Vinnitsa, a day's drive from the city of Vallo. The temple was conquered and destroyed, but the treasures hidden there remained intact. For many, many years, no one has ever ventured into that lonely area. So are the treasures still there? Where is this temple, and why was it destroyed then? These questions were not answered in the books, nor in any legend or story ... You have to answer them yourself ....
And here it is! After weeks of hiking, you have arrived in Vetteburg. It is an ordinary village like thousands throughout the Empire. The huts are built in a semicircle, and in the middle of the spacious courtyard there is a large inn building. You have rented one common room with the leftover money, a slightly humped innkeeper is bustling around you, ready at your every nod, and the table in front of you is set with all food and drink. Soon it will be night.
What are you doing?
Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today
Re: RPG Session
At the beginning I look around the inn .... do I see any armed men ?? Or are there people other than us and the innkeeper in a banquet room where I understand that we are just sitting?
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney.
- Posts: 136
- Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:08 am
Re: RPG Session
I eat to quell my hunger, then turn to the innkeeper:
- Venerable ladies, I am very curious about the news from the area
You've had some problems lately, or maybe some unusual events have happened in the area recently. I am curious, because I would love to venture into the surrounding areas to get to know the local nature, but is it safe?
After listening to the innkeeper, I try not to intrusively hear what the customers in the inn are talking about.
[What area is the village in, are they forests, fields or maybe swamps?
- Venerable ladies, I am very curious about the news from the area
You've had some problems lately, or maybe some unusual events have happened in the area recently. I am curious, because I would love to venture into the surrounding areas to get to know the local nature, but is it safe?
After listening to the innkeeper, I try not to intrusively hear what the customers in the inn are talking about.
[What area is the village in, are they forests, fields or maybe swamps?
Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.
Re: RPG Session
I sit by the fireplace and take off my coat. I try not to bare my weapons. I listen to conversations and discreetly look for some characteristic characters.
I order something to eat and drink.
I order something to eat and drink.
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Stephen Hawking.
- Posts: 134
- Joined: Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:23 am
Re: RPG Session
I drink a glass of bad wine, sit next to Galmaris, close my eyes and calmly reflect ... By the way, I try to hear as much as possible and feel the atmosphere in the room ...
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Re: RPG Session
I am looking for some free space, and in the meantime I order something to eat ... I sit in a shadowy corner from where I observe the guests in the inn and eat what I ordered in peace. I try to listen to the conversation of the people sitting closest to me ...
No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy.
Re: RPG Session
Znajdujecie się w obszernej izbie, niezbyt wysokiej, lecz bardzo długiej. Strop jest podparty na grubych belkach, natomiast ściany ozdobiono wycinankami z kolorowego papieru. Po jednej stronie znajduje się sporych rozmiarów palenisko, w który aktualnie pali się ogień, od którego promieniuje przyjemne ciepło. Można przy nim się ogrzać, bądź wysuszyć przemoczone ubranie. Po drugiej stronie jest niewysoki kontuar, a za nim kilka beczek z winem i piwem oraz przejście do kuchni. Są tu także schody, prowadzące na górę, do pomieszczeń przeznaczonych dla gości.
Karczmarz zapytany przez Henna o niezwykłe zdarzenia w wiosce, odpowie:
- Nie panie, tu nic się nie dzieje. My lud spokojny i uczciwy, my tu pracujemy, zboże siejemy na wiosnę i zbieramy w lecie. Krówki, świnki hodujemy. Nie wadzim my nikomu, i od nikogo krzywdy nie zaznajem. A i bezpieczne po polach i ugorach chodzić.
Jesteście jedynymi gośćmi, oprócz was i karczmarza nie ma tu nikogo. Siedziecie za stołem obficie zastawionym jadłem. Z zewnątrz dochodzą odgłosy ulewy.
Okolice wioski to najzwyklejsze w świecie wzgórza. Trochę tam pól, trochę lasów, kilka zagajników. Nic niezwykłego.
Karczmarz zapytany przez Henna o niezwykłe zdarzenia w wiosce, odpowie:
- Nie panie, tu nic się nie dzieje. My lud spokojny i uczciwy, my tu pracujemy, zboże siejemy na wiosnę i zbieramy w lecie. Krówki, świnki hodujemy. Nie wadzim my nikomu, i od nikogo krzywdy nie zaznajem. A i bezpieczne po polach i ugorach chodzić.
Jesteście jedynymi gośćmi, oprócz was i karczmarza nie ma tu nikogo. Siedziecie za stołem obficie zastawionym jadłem. Z zewnątrz dochodzą odgłosy ulewy.
Okolice wioski to najzwyklejsze w świecie wzgórza. Trochę tam pól, trochę lasów, kilka zagajników. Nic niezwykłego.
There was only gold, and power, and the bodies of women, and steel.
Re: RPG Session
I propose to the team to play cards, but I reserve to myself that I am not going to play for anything of value.
We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours.
- Posts: 136
- Joined: Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:06 am
Re: RPG Session
Seeing that there is nothing to be afraid of, as we are in the inn, I sit alone with my companions to eat and eat, also drinking beer, so adored by the dwarves. I ask the innkeeper: "Mosci, innkeeper - I know that there is a temple near the village .... could you indicate its location to us or do you know someone who knows this location ??"
I always try to suit my clothes to my company. It is the only way to be inconspicuous.
Re: RPG Session
At Thorin's gesture, the sweaty innkeeper rushes to your table. Upon hearing the question, his forehead is slightly puckered, which is perhaps a symptom of a thought process ...
- No, sir, the temple is not here. Although we have old mansions, people say that the temple once was there. And then there was a battle, some kind of war ... But now it's only ruins, a wild animal lives there, and it's overgrown with grass. It's not far, you have to take the path north. You will go out at dawn and make it before dark, my lord.
- No, sir, the temple is not here. Although we have old mansions, people say that the temple once was there. And then there was a battle, some kind of war ... But now it's only ruins, a wild animal lives there, and it's overgrown with grass. It's not far, you have to take the path north. You will go out at dawn and make it before dark, my lord.