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Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:57 pm
by Poison Ivy
Recently I've noticed that I have a hard time playing with totally evil characters. or simply bereft of morals. I always somehow play much better with characters who are good, or at least do not have a very skewed morality. Even when playing nord, I couldn't play evil nord, which kills first and then thinks. Yes, he was a bully, but he didn't act thoughtlessly. He couldn't do everything for the cash. And one of the buddies, in turn, was the other way around. His characters basically never feel any objection to killing anyone, including teammates. And this is where the question arises, is it not that each player has something about him that prevents him from acting differently than his thoughts, even when playing a different character? Maybe I'm wrong and you calmly played both terrible bastards and law-abiding knights? What kind of behavior do you prefer?

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:49 pm
by Leriel

In my opinion it really depends on the player - for example I can't play fanatic (paladin / priest / someone driven only by revenge / etc.), I just can't think like a fanatic, I don't understand the exclusion of sober thinking in key situations. And I have a friend of a player who does exactly the opposite - he only plays fanatics.

It looks like it's just a natural predisposition to play one game or another. And this does not translate into one of the real world and our character - for example, some of my characters were literally chaotic-evil, they had no qualms about robbing and abandoning their companions for money, while in the real world I am the embodiment of the rule of law (to such an extent that some people are irritated by the fact that, for example, I never switch to red) :)

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:14 pm
by Vataes

> throws the old woman into a roadside ditch
> morality

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:53 pm
by Veldrin

And I have never noticed that I had a problem with playing extremely different characters, I happened to play lawful, morally unstable or evil characters, usually to check what it is like, there is something interesting in each type of character, which is interesting to explore while playing this character Another thing is that I mostly play characters similar to myself, because it gives me the greatest pleasure.

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:16 am
by Matsui

Now seriously: I would also certainly not be able to play a blind fanatic of an idea imposed from above. Nasty about something he just went to his own head would probably still do the job (I was doing something like that for Yavin sessions here on Andu, anyway), but not mohair. Likewise, I would have problems with someone bad without any specific idea to justify it - a mere emotionless murderer, killing for his own down-to-earth gain.

The problem is, I guess, is that I wouldn't be able to play a character with a personality that I find unbelievable. I could play a lot of different quirks, but if they had a psychological justification and it would give a kind of a really nice story, a character interesting as a literary. I wouldn't be able to play nonsense with some kind of freak or psychopath.

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:51 am
by Ciliren

I would probably be able to play, but would it be fun for me? Recently, I tried to play a quiet and dark character with a difficult past in a session (this was the first time I created a character with a past that could not be described in one sentence). Result? Boredom in the session, no interesting threads, overall the worst character I have ever created. No, never again. You have to have fun playing a given character, and thus know what characters you like.

Aaaaaa but there is still the other side of the coin. Personally, I am one of the people who believe that the characters should be made for sessions and agreed with the Game Master, and the MG should adapt the campaign to the characters. Sessions can be made where playing a fanatic will be easier and more enjoyable by simply introducing less responsibility for actions into the session or by adjusting the plot to the goals of such a fanatic character.

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 2:44 am
by Anansi

Well, for me, the choice is simple. I always choose characters that are bad to the core. I just can't play a character with a good temper. However, I try to make my characters always combine 3 things. Deadly, elegant and ravaged by evil. Good heroes are limited. On the other hand, I don't like bad people without weaknesses. However, if I had the choice of a bad mindless warrior and priest as a servant of good, I would choose the latter.

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 3:23 am
by Takwir

The problem is that a character that is often evil to the bone is a huge limitation in itself during the game, especially if the rest of the team is not completely evil, but only egotistical. Not everyone is able to do certain things. Especially since you have to take into account their consequences later.

I usually play good characters there, but rarely so good, and more often just characters with a normal moral system.

Besides - in the last sentence you contradicted your whole statement xD

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 4:58 am
by Alfa

If I wrote it, I would probably get hate from the bird, thanks as well

Honor, good, bad character

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:37 am
by Irakhash

Stupid bad is not bad. Look at the murderers of today. Mostly they are a bunch of amateurs to catch. Formerly, being a murderer was an art. The best example is Jack the Ripper. There is evidence that he was perfectly prepared for each act. During the investigation it was established, for example, that he knew the plan of the day of the victims perfectly well, and that he masked the evidence very well. He probably fled to America right afterwards. He would have had a good alibi if caught. I honestly prefer to be good than stupid bad.